The Classic Nights Car Club was formed in November 1984 by five men. Although the main theme of the club is 50's oriented, there are three classes of membership. The three classes are: those with 50's cars, those owning vehicles produced in the 1960's or newer but is of special interest, and those who do not have a car in these categories, but intend to purchase one within a year of joining the club.
The founders wanted a club that would be run by its members, not by any one individual. In order to accomplish this, a Steering Committee was formed. The Steering Committee consists of seven people and one alternate, it's purpose to make suggestions to the club body, discuss any problems and bring them before the club body. They also have permission to make impromptu decisions on behalf of the club when necessary.
Since the Classic Nights Car Club is a family oriented organization, it has one main principle...friends are more important that beautiful cars. People come to the clubs cruise night to see friends. Club members feel in order to make the first and ubsequent cruises successful, it is very important to make our visitors, participants and friends feel comfortable and welcome as a whole.
The Classic Nights Car Club is open to anyone, only if the 45 member quota is not filled. A prospective member must attend wo (2) club meetings, two (2) club functions and be on a 60 day probation before being voted into the organization. When a person becomes a member, a $45.00 membership fee is paid, and $30.00 dues are paid each subsequent year.
There are no "officers" of the Classic Nights. The Two Funds Coordinators are accountable for all monies for the club. One Funds Coordinator handles the checking account (deposits and handing out checks as needed) while the other keeps track of receipts. The purpose of having two Funds Coordinators is so that one can check the other. The Minutes/Registration Coordinator takes minutes of the meetings and keeps track of membership, and is also responsible for correspondence
Club meetings are held once a month from November through May, and are headed by the Club Spokesman. If he or she should be absent, the Alternate Spokesman takes that place in directing the meeting. There are other positions within the club. The Cruise Coordinator is partially responsible for settingup the parking lot before a cruise night, and is in charge of parking guests cars. The Public Relations Director handles all publicity for the club and its various functions. The Minutes/Registration Coordinator handles all applications for membership and keeps track of the number of meetings and functions a potential member attends.
As a body, the club participates in car shows, cruise nights held be local and some out of state car clubs and various organizations. The club also enjoys taking an active part in community service events. In past years we have worked closely with The P.T. Barnum Foundation, running the car show and taking part in the City of Bridgeport's 4th of July Great Street Parade. The Classic Nights Car Club donates time and cars for many worthwhile causes, such as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving.) We also donate money to charitable causes such as the American Cancer Society and Southbury.
There are also other activities in which the club has directed; an annual dance, picnic, Christmas party and what has become fondly known as the "Fall Foliage Cruise." This is usually held in mid October when the fall foliage is at its peak. The club members and their immediate families choose an out of state restaurant and cruise to its location by way of the scenic route, hence the "Fall Foliage Cruise."
The Classic Nights Car Club Preamble and Club Purpose states that the club has been created to provide a forum for individuals who enjoys sharing their interests in automobiles, primarily reflecting the "Cruisin' 50's" era and who enjoy and seek the fellowship of other individuals. To an extent reasonably practical, members cars reflect those interests. There are written rules concerning membership, autos, voting procedures, behavior, etc. set forth in the Club Preamble.
Attending/participating in any Classic Nights Car Club (CNCC) event or show implies express permission to the CNCC to post your image, likeness and/or photograph(s) of your vehicle on our website, and this permission carries over to any media outlet that may be in attendance. Your attendance/participation also releases and discharges the CNCC and/or anyone else connected with the representation of the CNCC from any or all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments and/or claims that may be suffered by an entrant to his or her person or property. Participants and/or Attendees assume full responsibility for themselves and their vehicles.